In accordance with the Government of British Columbia and WorkSafe BC requirements, the COVID 19 policy for Backun is outlined below.

Please contact us should you have any questions.

Until further notice, Backun Musical Services is closed to all visitors, unless the onsite visit is deemed essential to maintain operational functions within the company. All staff and approved contractors and technicians are required to follow the outline and plan below, while on premise.

QR code questionnaires are to be filled out before entering the premises to confirm that those wishing to enter are not positive for COVID, have not come in contact with anyone who has tested positive, required to isolate or display any of the symptoms of covid


  • Social distancing is required at all times
  • Masks are required to be worn by guests at all times and all staff when not working at their personal workstation
  • Room limits are posted for each area
  • All touch points are thoroughly sanitized
  • Signs are posted reminding everyone to wash their hands often and thoroughly
  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building
  • Lunchroom counters and tables as well as eating equipment is wiped down after each use
  • All staff are properly trained and monitored to follow protocols
  • All staff must stay home if they are showing any signs of illness and must notify their manager. Any return to work must first be approved by the HR manager
  • A person who becomes ill at work should go home immediately wearing an N95 mask. Work surfaces that were touched by the ill person must be properly cleaned after they have left
  • All staff are assured that they may raise any concerns regarding safety without reprisal
  • Staff may contact their Manager or HR Manager directly at any time
  • Staff have the right to refuse unsafe work